
Modernize your ITSM with the New PagerDuty Application for ServiceNow

by Inga Weizman January 11, 2024 | 5 min read

We live in an always-on world, where things move fast and break often. Building stronger resilience is critical for operational efficiency and delivering great customer experiences. CIOs have heavily invested in ITSM solutions, but a centralized, queued approach is no longer meeting the needs of modern organizations when it comes to critical, customer-impacting issues. It’s time to gain more value from our ITSM by modernizing it with a platform that helps you manage unplanned, urgent work across the enterprise at scale. 

And so we’re excited to announce a significant update to the PagerDuty application for ServiceNow to help achieve just that. This V8 update enables customers to have a more accurate system of record for better compliance by leveraging automated, real-time, bi-directional sync for faster incident management. This is all in the name of improving operational efficiency and delivering better customer experiences.

The PagerDuty Operations Cloud is an enterprise-grade platform that offers end-to-end incident management with built-in AI and automation capabilities. When using PagerDuty and ServiceNow, our customers reduced their MTTR by as much as 25% and improved their incident detail and status data by 63%.

Our latest release of the PagerDuty Application for ServiceNow includes key functionality: 

  • Conditionally create a ServiceNow incident based on PagerDuty conditions
  • Bidirectional synchronization between PagerDuty Custom Fields and ServiceNow Incident fields
  • Additional PagerDuty-to-ServiceNow synchronizations such as priority, conference bridge, and responder updates
  • Improved integration health checks
  • V3 webhook migration module to unlock these new synchronization capabilities

With PagerDuty for ServiceNow, you can supercharge your systems of record for better compliance while harnessing the power of automated incident management to drive operational excellence, improve customer experiences, and build resilience. 

Note: Bi-directional PagerDuty Custom Fields Sync and Create a ServiceNow Incident as a Workflow Action are only available with the new PagerDuty Enterprise Incident Management (EIM) plan. Please reach out to your rep to learn more. 

Improve compliance with a stronger system of record 

With the PagerDuty Application for ServiceNow, customers can leverage automated sync to deepen and improve the system of record detail for better compliance. This means that users can now gain new functionality like creating a ServiceNow incident as a workflow action and ServiceNow-to-PagerDuty bidirectional sync of PagerDuty Custom Fields and ServiceNow Incident to improve operational efficiency and reduce MTTR. This helps establish PagerDuty as a system of action, sitting in front of ServiceNow to manage unplanned, critical work across the enterprise.

A system of action for real-time, automated incident management 

Organizations have heavily invested in ITSM solutions, but these solutions are centralized and queued; they frequently don’t meet the needs of the modern enterprise when it comes to urgent, unplanned work. As organizations have continued their digital transformation and adopted DevOps and Service Ownership to increase innovation velocity and deliver great customer experiences, they need a platform that helps them detect, diagnose, and resolve issues quickly. The power of the Operations Cloud, combined with their existing ITSM, ensures that they are leveraging event-driven, automated incident management in their real-time operations. 

PagerDuty Operations Cloud and ServiceNow Architecture Diagram

Operational Efficiency and Flexibility 

CIOs are looking to improve the efficiency of their teams at scale, compress costs, and deliver great customer experiences. PagerDuty’s Application for ServiceNow provides teams with real-time, deeper incident context so they can fix issues faster and work in the surface of their choice for added flexibility. We have also updated the application to leverage V3 webhooks alongside improved integration health checks—these scan the entire system to ensure proper configuration and provide guidance for remediation. This saves time and ensures a smoother experience for your team and customers. 

Getting to know V8 PagerDuty Application for ServiceNow

Bidirectional sync between PagerDuty Custom Fields and ServiceNow Incident fields provides responders with deeper incident context and preserves ServiceNow as your accurate system of record. This helps to reduce manual data entry significantly and helps drive down MTTR. 

Screenshot of Custom Fields Mapping Configuration

Creating a ServiceNow Incident as a Workflow Action introduces conditional triggers that enable you to customize what you send to ServiceNow, automating control of what makes it into the system of record. This saves valuable responder time to focus on incident resolution and drive down MTTR. 

Screenshot of how to create a ServiceNow Incident as a Workflow Action

Additional synchronizations to the ServiceNow Incident include priority, conference bridge, and responder action updates that ensure the system of record is more accurate while eliminating admins and responders from needing to “force sync” these updates.

Screenshot of new synchronization capabilities

Webhook health checks automatically scan configurations for errors, while providing guidance and remediation actions to admins to quickly fix issues. This expedites troubleshooting and gives customers peace of mind that their ServiceNow application is running smoothly.

Screenshot of Webhook Health Check Feature

The V3 webhook migration tool seamlessly upgrades the ServiceNow Application to leverage new synchronization capabilities for existing customers. The V3 webhooks processing system is upgraded with resiliency in mind, resulting in reduced timeout occurrences from large, heavy ServiceNow instances.

Screenshot of Webhook Migration Post

Get started today

The PagerDuty Application for ServiceNow helps you modernize your ITSM and leverage the power of event-driven, automated incident management. It also helps you strengthen your system of record to improve compliance while establishing PagerDuty as a system of action. With key metrics like MTTR, improving operational efficiency and reducing costs, teams can solve incidents faster, and reduce time spent on manual tasks, ultimately improving customer experiences and having more time to innovate. 

Learn more about the ServiceNow Application in this Knowledge Base article. You can download the latest version on the Application listing page.