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Will a Purge Happen in Russia?

Strong men/dictators don’t like to show weakness.

It is dangerous to disagree with the boss when they are a dictator. The nice thing about being a dictator, which is what Russian President Vladimir Putin is, is that you can do what you want to whomever you want.

The recent events in Russia, with a military column of mercenaries advancing on Moscow, is not an image we will soon forget. There is plenty of speculation about the future for the “rebel leader” and his minions, but one thing I do know for sure is that dictators do not like to be seen as weak.

Weakness provokes more nibbling and doubt among those he “dictates to.” Fear is the ally of every dictator. After an incident like what we saw in Russia, it is time to play the “fear card” and let everyone know who is in charge — in no uncertain terms.

Some may lose their titles. Others will lose their jobs and status. Still others might find themselves dead one day sooner or later. All of the above will be to warn others who might want to challenge the dictator’s authority in the future. This helps establish who is really in charge and what happens to those who do not support the dictator or who’s loyalties are in question.

In Russia, some heads may roll, figuratively or literally.
Eric Holdeman is a contributing writer for Emergency Management magazine and is the former director of the King County, Wash., Office of Emergency Management.