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Disaster Zone Podcast: ‘New Research on How Wildfires are Impacting State Budgets’

New strategies are needed for the future.

As you’ve probably noticed, wildfires are burning up millions of acres of forestland and also burning through state budgets that have been established to deal with them.

This Disaster Zone podcast, “New Research on How Wildfires are Impacting State Budgets,” is an excellent discussion of the issues that many states are facing, in the West and other parts of the United States.

As legislatures begin their sessions in 2023, one “hot topic” they need to consider is how they adapt their dollars and spending to the new reality that they are facing — almost every year. It cannot be business as normal, using low estimates for what the costs of wildfire mitigation and response might be for the future.
Eric Holdeman is a contributing writer for Emergency Management magazine and is the former director of the King County, Wash., Office of Emergency Management.