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Disaster Zone Podcast: ‘The International Association of Emergency Managers’

The who, what, where, when and how of the organization.

Within the profession of emergency management there is one pre-eminent professional association for emergency managers of all types to belong to. You can find out all about the International Association of Emergency Managers (IAEM) by listening to this Disaster Zone podcast: “The International Association of Emergency Managers.”

My guest is Cathy Clark, the current president of IAEM. We had a wide-ranging discussion about the association including how it interfaces with the National Association of Emergency Managers. If you are not already an IAEM member, there is a link in the description of the podcast below that will take you to their membership page. Also, listen for another IAEM-related podcast coming up later this summer when we hear about what is planned for the 2023 Annual IAEM Conference that will be held in Long Beach, Calif.

Podcast description:

“IAEM is the largest such organization in the world. It is where people join to meet their counterparts, learn from one another, and make a positive impact in advancing the profession of emergency management. In this podcast, Clark, the president of IAEM shares a great deal of information on how IAEM is organized, who the membership is comprised of and all the different ways that emergency management professionals of all stripes can become members, including those already working in the profession and others aspiring to become emergency managers. Their Home Page is at this link: and if you want to go ahead and sign-up to become a member, go to this page: For the record, Eric Holdeman is a member.”