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Severe Weather in the Forecast

Just about every day somewhere in America.

Extreme heat, storms, tornadoes and flooding. That is what was in the news over the weekend. In reality, it is what is in the forecast every week here in the United States. There is severe weather impacting some part of the nation during a seven-day period.

There are tales of close calls and unfortunate deaths of family members, mobile homes as twisted wreckage and small towns torn up.

There are American flags found in the wreckage and pulled out and displayed. There are also promises to rebuild, stronger and better.

Unfortunately, for some of these people, they have no property insurance and the federal government money they do get will not put them into new or replacement housing. The destroyed car or pickup truck may also not have had insurance and then they can't make it to work and lose their jobs.

There are success stories, but more often disasters put a knife into the community and there is no coming back to where it was before the disaster.

Disasters create more human tragedies. We as emergency managers are in the tragedy business, like it or not. We just need to keep plugging away and making a difference when and where we can.
Eric Holdeman is a contributing writer for Emergency Management magazine and is the former director of the King County, Wash., Office of Emergency Management.