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Disaster Zone Podcast: Will 911 Survive Modernization?

Everything you want to know about 911

The nation's 911 system provides critical services to both the community members where they serve and the first responders who are dispatched to assist people when they are in need.

In this Disaster Zone Podcast: Will 911 Survive Modernization? you will learn all about what makes a 911 center function and also about all the technological innovation that has happened and is continuing on into the future.

Here's the podcast description:
When emergencies and disasters strike, we all depend on 911 Centers to be functional. Disasters range from earthquakes, cyberattacks and wildfires to local power outages, an ice storm or a white powder delivered to your door. Today 911 Centers are tech heavy places and getting even more technical as they try to keep up with consumer technology trends. In this podcast we explore the technical side of 911 Centers and how they are meeting the challenges brought on by the 21st Century. Bill Schrier, a Public Safety Advisor with many years of experience in government information technology walks us through how 911 Centers function and 911 system plans for the future.

Eric Holdeman is a contributing writer for Emergency Management magazine and is the former director of the King County, Wash., Office of Emergency Management.