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Disaster Zone Podcast: Executive Leadership in the 21st Century

An interview with a senior leader.

I believe that everything rises and falls on leadership. For that to happen, you have to have leaders who are human and who become better leaders by leading, making mistakes and moving forward.

I also think that continuing to read books on leaders and leadership is a crucial aspect of becoming a better leader.

In this week’s Disaster Zone podcast, “Executive Leadership in the 21st Century,” I interview one of the better leaders that I’ve come across in the last 35 years. I highly recommend listening and learning from Steve Metruck.

Here’s the description:

“What does leadership look like in the 21st Century? To find out, I went to Steve Metruck, the Executive Director for the Port of Seattle. The port has both maritime and airport operations with billions of dollars in capital investments being made. Steve had a very successful United States Coast Guard career, retiring as a two star admiral. In a series of responses to a number of questions he reflects on what makes for a good leader. What does a high performing organization look like, how to hire good people and what to do when you find yourself working for a boss who is perhaps not a good leader? You will find his responses straight forward and reflective of what a great leader is thinking about today. You are sure to learn something new about being a better leader.”
Eric Holdeman is a nationally known emergency manager. He has worked in emergency management at the federal, state and local government levels. Today he serves as the Director, Center for Regional Disaster Resilience (CRDR), which is part of the Pacific Northwest Economic Region (PNWER). The focus for his work there is engaging the public and private sectors to work collaboratively on issues of common interest, regionally and cross jurisdictionally.