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New Book: Emergency Health: Practical Application of Public Health Principles

From a respected leader in public health.

One of the outcomes of the COVID-19 pandemic is the closer alignment between emergency management and the disease monitoring and prevention function of public health. Typically we dealt mainly with environmental health in the past. The author is Mark Keim, known as DisasterDoc. He and I have interacted many times in the past. I consider him a respected source of information. See information below on his new publication.

Emergency Health: Practical Application of Public Health Principles reimagines disasters from the lens of public health. It is transformational in the way it articulates how “health and well-being are produced” in the context of emergencies. Emergency Health describes the synthesis of disease prevention, health promotion and protection, and the provision of care related to disasters. It prioritizes equitable access to health before, during, and after public health emergencies. This book explores the role of public health in reducing disastrous outcomes by expanding our understanding of the larger ecosystem that affects health, wellness, and health equity.”
Eric Holdeman is a contributing writer for Emergency Management magazine and is the former director of the King County, Wash., Office of Emergency Management.