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Disaster Zone Podcast: ‘A New Generation of Emergency Managers Becoming Leaders’

Make way for new leadership.

If you have not noticed, change is constant. Technology is one of the things that keeps us on our toes. However, another change that is happening rapidly now is a new generation of leaders is assuming their duties at all levels of responsibility. Nationally in politics, we have plenty of examples of older leaders hanging on to their jobs, for one reason or another. When the time comes, we all need to move over and make room for new leaders.

Check out this Disaster Zone podcast, “A New Generation of Emergency Managers Becoming Leaders,” which is a conversation with one such leader.

Podcast description:

“At this stage, Eric Holdeman is one of the ‘old dogs’ in the room. Today we have a host of new emergency management leaders who have risen through the ranks and are assuming leadership positions across local, state and federal agencies. It is heartening to know that as one generation of emergency managers fades away, there is this new, competent, and energized group of leaders on their way up.

“One such person is Casey Broom who is interviewed for this podcast. She has had multiple positions in state emergency management, local emergency management and a key leadership and programmatic position at the regional level for the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). You will find her thoughts and ideas about her own journey and advice for those just entering the profession of interest.”
Eric Holdeman is a contributing writer for Emergency Management magazine and is the former director of the King County, Wash., Office of Emergency Management.