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Did you know that there are 1.1 billion children in the world between the ages of 6 and 14 and 258 million of these children have no access to education at all? That includes 59 million children in primary school, 62 million in lower secondary school and 138 million in upper secondary school. This learning crisis and those being excluded from education are among the most vulnerable in the world today.

With these types of statistics, LAN Infotech felt like they needed to help. One way we achieved this was thru contributions with Acronis, a non-profit with initiatives of transforming lives throughout the world with education.

With our partnership, we have been able to assist with the construction of a new school building in Saltos del Mocona, Argentina that will have 3 classrooms and a library and be able to educate 50 children from the ages of 5 to 15 years old. The budget for the construction is €43,400 which is close to $46 million U.S. dollars.
Construction started in July and is expected to be completed in the next few months.

This area of Argentina has never received any type of education and the youth for the most part have faced enormous obstacles and constraints in pursing learning due to a very limited number of nearby schools as well as lengthy commutes, usually on dirt roads.

The new school that LAN Infotech is helping construct will be made mainly out of ecological materials from the site and region itself. It will be powered by solar energy, not only benefiting the students in the school but will also be able to power with electricity the entire nearby village.

Aside from LAN Infotech investing in this beautiful project, the famous Manchester United FC recently voiced it’s support for the school construction project as well. They even posted videos on social media announcing their excitement in becoming involved in this great cause.

For more information on Acronis and this incredible new school being built along with ways on how you can contribute click here.

Research shows that education leads to higher individual income and is also a necessary foundation for long-term economic growth. Come join the movement with us today!


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