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Disaster Zone Podcast: ‘Diversity in Emergency Management’

It is up to us to improve the composition of our workforce.

Everyone these days — the public, nonprofit and government sectors — is looking to add to the diversity of their workforce, to better represent their communities.

This, then, is the topic of this Disaster Zone podcast: “Diversity in Emergency Management.”

Podcast description:

“Like many other organizations and professions, emergency management is working to improve its diversity. Diversity can come in many different forms, usually we think of race, but there are other cultural diversity aspects to consider. We are talking racial diversity in this podcast, with a focus on how emergency managers and their organizations can do a better job at expanding the diversity of their workplaces to better serve their communities.

“Vernon Owens, the guest on this podcast, became an emergency manager in 2004. Since then he has worked at the local and federal levels of government in different capacities. He shares his personal story about his multi-faceted career he has had, from the military and being a martial arts entrepreneur and author. We then focus on how to better reach out to communities of color to recruit and retain a new workforce.”
Eric Holdeman is a contributing writer for Emergency Management magazine and is the former director of the King County, Wash., Office of Emergency Management.