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Daily Business Review (DBR), a publication that gives attorneys in the South Florida market legal news and insights with a special emphasis on the intersection between the law, real estate and business recently announced the winners of its twelfth annual Best of Issue, a special supplement developed by the business arm of Daily Business Review.

This special supplement issue provided the results of the annual reader ranking survey, which surveys their audience on their favorite providers across a variety of categories including technology, which LAN Infotech was proud to take first place in the following categories: Local Data Security Services, IT Consultant, Cloud Provider and Software Consultant.

“We are honored to be recognized by our peers and from DBR in these categories and are excited to continue serve the South Florida community in these areas for years to come” states, LAN Infotech President, Michael Goldstein.

The foundation conducts various educational programs, community initiatives, and conservation efforts to raise awareness about the importance of protecting our marine environment and inspire individuals to become environmental stewards.

There are a variety of opportunities on how you can help including volunteering, becoming a vendor, in-kind or monetary sponsorships.

For more information and to join us please click here.

From everyone at Lan Infotech, we wish you a wonderful holiday season and a prosperous new year!

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