Yes, tsunamis can happen in coastal BC. How is your business preparing?

When we think of tsunamis, tropical locations are more likely to come to mind. Who can forget the most devasting one in history, when in 2004 a Boxing Day earthquake in the Indian Ocean caused tsunamis across south and southeast Asia.

But coastal areas of BC are at risk as well. A tsunami advisory was issued as recently as January 2022 for coastal BC after a volcanic eruption near the Tonga Islands. Luckily, no destructive waves were reported,* but it was a reminder for those of us who live on the coast that we’re at risk.

So, how will your organization prepare for a tsunami? Here’s what you need to know when preparing your emergency plan.

1.     Determine your evacuation routes

Include an evacuation route from your business location to higher ground, ideally 30 metres above sea level and away from the coastline. Don’t forget to practice your evacuation route with drills to keep staff familiar with the course; these practice drills will prove valuable if, in the event of a real emergency, you need to evacuate in adverse weather or darkness. You should also learn the difference between evacuation routes and disaster response routes.

2.     Learn your sources for tsunami notifications

Familiarize yourself with tsunami notification sources such as the radio, online news, social media or television. But remember not to rely only on these sources, as a power outage could occur at any time. Make sure you have a battery-operated radio in your emergency kit and also listen for outdoor sirens and door-to-door contact for the notification.

3.     Have a portable emergency supply kit

When evacuating, carry a backpack-style emergency kit which contains, at minimum, the essentials like water, a flashlight and first aid kit. For guidance on what to include in your office’s emergency supply kit check out our top 10 must-haves post.

These are just a few of the planning elements to include in your emergency plan for responding to a tsunami warning.

Contact us for customized emergency management and business continuity planning

Preparing your business for disaster is critical. If you operate a coastal business and want advice on what else to include in your emergency plan to mitigate the impact of a tsunami or other natural disaster, contact us and we’ll be happy to connect.

Related resources

·      Tsunami Preparedness Week—Get Informed and Stay Safe

·      Canada's costliest catastrophe is flooding. Is your business prepared?

·      Preparing Coastal Businesses for the Big One—a Major Earthquake

·      Get Prepared BC’s Earthquake and Tsunami Guide
