
“This issue has be​e​n escalated as a strong feedback to the concerned team, we will make sure this is not repeated. We don’t require you to return the original. You are welcome to keep, donate or dispose of it – whichever option is most appropriate and convenient for you. Hope you consider this to be an isolated issue and give us a chance to serve you in future.
I hope this helps. We look forward to seeing you again soon”. ​

This is an exemplary communication from the escalation desk of a leading e-commerce platform in the new normal, where the last mile delivery model plays a major role to retain customers.

Return, refund, cashback, coupon code, cart abandonment, difference in weight, all these are new phrases in the new ‘Customer service experience’ framework.

Brands are currently struggling to match the enhanced expectation levels in the modern-day customer. Service recovery has taken a new approach in a more candid, more regular & direct communication with the customers. Sharing an example from a large MNC Bank query redressal.

“While we have noted your feedback, we would like to clarify, that the Bank does keep the clients informed about any scheduled downtime/maintenance been conducted from time to time, the referred instance was due to a technical glitch, which was subsequently resolved on priority. Please accept our sincere apologies towards the inconvenience caused to you”.

If we observe the tone in the shared communication, we can observe a brilliant professionalism in carefully chosen words and mood.

Gone are those days when we used to read a Customer Service Excellence Framework based on the 5 or 6 levels of personal experience of an expert.

Even in 2016, the customer service recovery e-mail from a luxury car major used to read something like this:

“Thank you for your message addressed to ___________, Chairman of the Board of Management of __________ and Head of _______ Cars. We are sorry that you and your friend’s experience with __________ has not met your expectations. Due to the fact this issue solely falls into the responsibility of _________ India Private Limited, we had forwarded your correspondence to our colleagues. They just informed us of the outcome, please see the attachment enclosed.  

Yours sincerely
Mit freundlichen Grüßen“

Now the new set of customers are more demanding, more social media savvy, more prone to escalate service issues to the top Management teams. Look at the classification of the new era Customers.

Already there: Who can afford and pronounce the names of luxury brands with ease, or ‘practised ease’. The teams need to stay in communication with these ones via all channels.

Can afford but sceptic: A referral by a satisfied customer or a discount code (often used as an e-commerce hook on cart abandonment) works wonder with this set.

Would stretch budget:  If they see a value in the Product Proposition, video-based marketing works well with them (Convenience of a Coffee bag instead of a percolator or a coffee maker need to be seen and felt by the customer).

Shift from B2B to B2C direct communication: If the customer can boast of ‘I know the CEO of this organization’ is a sure shot loyal and a repeat buyer of the brand. Even the Product teams can be regularly in touch with the customers. Below is an example from a Chocolate major, addressing the customer directly by the product team.

“The product in question collected from you was couriered at our manufacturing plant for investigation. Upon receipt of the sample, our Quality personnel conducted a thorough investigation and our observations are as follows:

·        The complaint sample was sieved through the correct sieve and the particle size was found to be compliant to the product specification.

·        The cocoa powder fineness was also checked for the lot used in manufacturing of this batch and it was found to be within specifications.

·        Mixing record for the said batch was checked and no issues were noted.

·        Sensory records for the said batch were checked and no abnormality was observed.

·        The control sample for the same batch were checked and it was found to be in compliance for particle size and sensory aspects”.

The ultra-visuals: These ones can make a spot purchase decision by the ‘shop now’ links on Instagram just because they like what they see in the ad.

The ‘socialites’: The Lifestyle bloggers, some self-proclaimed & some of real repute are major influencers in their respective circles.

The ‘App-y ones’: If they like the interface of an app, easy to use, linked to multiple wallets, looks jazzy, has surprise elements related to convenience, they’ll tag on. Recently a French chain of salon started home visit by their stylists, was very well accepted by the customers.

The Forever Grumpy ones: You initiate refund, offer redeemable coupon codes, offer service recovery, they’ll never come back to you. Just ignore them.

It’s important for today’s businesses to identify patterns before initiating service recovery or continuing business with the new age customers to reduce revenue loss and increase revenue predictability through subscription models.

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