New Ecological Threat Report

From the HSDL: Ecological Threat Report 2023

The Institute for Economics & Peace‘s Ecological Threat Report (ETR) is a “comprehensive, data-driven analysis” that covers 99.9% of the global population, analyzing food insecurity, water risk, demographic pressures, and natural disasters for 221 countries and territories. This fourth edition, Ecological Threat Report 2023, is divided into five sections: 1) Results and Trends; 2) Ecological Threats; 3) Conflict, Climate and Ecological Threats; 4) Megacities and Migration, and 5) Policy Recommendations.

This report has identified the highest risk countries regarding resiliency. These countries face major disasters because they are unequipped to prepare for the ecological threats they face. According to the report, many of these countries have maintained instability over the years, including Afghanistan, Mozambique, and Madagascar. This ETR also claims that the growing population is responsible for expanding humanity’s ecological footprint. Mitigation strategies are underfunded and exacerbate existing pressures and political conflict between countries and territories. This ETR hopes to highlight the link between ecological change and peacefulness using a Positive Peace approach.

[Note that access to the actual document is complicated and requires special access..]

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