Business Continuity Planning (BCP) is a critical component of emergency preparedness. Every organization in the world that provides a product or service, and/or interacts with customers or community members must have a business continuity plan in place. Without it, emergency interruptions - be it a natural disaster or a technology failure - can cause catastrophic losses to an organization in not only revenue, but also resources, employee and customer trust, and brand perception. Simply, BCP is an integral component of a good business strategy and makes good business sense.

What IS business continuity planning and what does it entail?

Having a plan ensures your critical services and functions are still able to be delivered during an incident. It provides alternative strategies and workarounds to address an interruption with your people, facilities, equipment and technology.

When preparing your plan, the following factors should be considered:  

  • What are the hazards and risks that might affect your business and community? Are they sudden, like an earthquake, or would they allow for some lead-in time, like a pandemic?

  • What are your key business functions and processes and who performs them?

  • What type of equipment or facility is required to perform your key business functions?

  • What critical applications and data is your organization dependent upon?

  • Who supports the performance of your key business functions (e.g., employees, suppliers)?

  • Who uses the output of these functions (e.g., employees, clients)?

Develop your business continuity plan & practice it

By answering the questions above you’ll be able to start developing your plan. But like all plans, it must be exercised regularly, employees must be trained in how to use it, and you must continually update it based on learnings and real-world experience.

By practicing your plan, you’ll help foster employee knowledge and confidence, promote ownership and engagement, validate procedures and individuals’ capabilities, and identify strengths and areas for improvement. As a result, when an incident occurs, you’ll be more effective in your emergency response.

Added benefits of business continuity planning

BCP can provide an opportunity for you to strengthen your business and engage with your people. Regardless of whether an emergency is triggered by a malfunctioning sprinkler system flooding your office, or a wildfire that’s threatening your employees and communities, BCP helps provide the confidence and trust you’ll need during and after an emergency event.

In addition, by planning to protect and deliver your services or products during an emergency, you’re demonstrating and reinforcing your value to your customers and the community at large. A robust and comprehensive plan ensures continuity beyond unforeseen circumstances and the positive outcomes can create a legacy of benefits long into the future. 

Contact us for customized business continuity planning

Preparing your business for disaster is critical. We’ve worked with several businesses and organizations on BCP. For more information, contact us and we’ll be happy to set up a meeting and talk through what we offer.