Global Supply Chains

From HSDL: Building Stronger Supply Chains: Two Years Later

“Global supply chains play a crucial role in the seamless functioning of economies, impacting both industries and consumers. During his first month in office, President Biden implemented a comprehensive 100-day review of supply chains. The White House recently released a report on the findings of this review. Two Years of Building Stronger Supply Chains and a More Resilient Economy presents U.S. economic and national security vulnerabilities, and the changes needed to strengthen them.

The economic crisis as the result of the COVID-19 pandemic, combined with the disruptions of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine exposed major weaknesses and created a surge in input costs and inflation. This caused months of empty shelves at stores, longer delivery times, and higher prices at the register. The report highlights the Biden Administration’s efforts to address shortages and bottlenecks throughout the economy that contributed to this crisis.”

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