Unitrends Endpoint Backup: Reliable, Affordable Protection for Your Critical Data

With an ever-increasing amount of critical data being generated and stored on endpoint devices, such as laptops, smartphones, tablets, servers and virtual machines (VMs), ensuring its safety has become a top priority for businesses of all sizes. However, recent findings reveal that only 8% of PCs are backed up daily and 23% yearly. Surprisingly, 25% of respondents said they never back up their data, putting their devices and data at significant risk of data loss and downtime. Data loss and downtime caused by hardware failure, cyberattacks, accidental deletion or natural disasters can have disastrous consequences if the data isn’t backed up.

In this blog, we will explore the importance of endpoint backup and how Unitrends Endpoint Backup makes endpoint protection both effortless and affordable.

Why your business needs an endpoint backup solution

Endpoint backup solutions protect your business against a range of data threats, including:


The number of businesses that fell victim to a ransomware attack increased by 27% in 2023. Cyberthreats like ransomware are on the rise, targeting endpoint devices to encrypt data and demand ransom for its release. Without a reliable backup, your company might be forced to pay the ransom or lose data permanently. An endpoint backup solution allows you to restore data from backups, effectively neutralizing the threat posed by ransomware attacks.

User error

Human error remains a common cause of data loss. In fact, according to the 2024 Thales Data Threat Report, human error was the leading cause of data breaches for two consecutive years. Whether it’s accidental deletion of files or unintentional changes to critical documents, endpoint backup solutions provide a way to recover lost or altered data. This safety measure ensures that human mistakes do not lead to permanent data loss.

Hardware issues

Endpoint devices are susceptible to hardware failures. Fire, flood or overheating can destroy hard drives or servers, rendering them unusable for days, weeks or even months. Hard drives can crash, and other components can malfunction, leading to potential data loss. Regular backups ensure that even if a device fails, the data remains secure and retrievable. This minimizes downtime and prevents loss of valuable information that could disrupt normal business operations.

Software failures

Software glitches, corrupt files and unexpected crashes can occur when you least expect them, leading to data corruption or loss. Backup solutions provide a safety net, allowing you to restore systems to a previous state before the failure occurred. This ensures continuity and reduces the risk of significant operational disruptions.

Power failure

Power outages and surges can result in abrupt system shutdowns, potentially corrupting files and data. Endpoint backup solutions protect against such events by regularly saving data to secure locations, ensuring that even if a device is abruptly powered off, the data can be recovered.

Challenges of traditional backup methods for endpoints

Traditional endpoint backup methods, while once sufficient, now face significant challenges in meeting the demands of modern organizations.

High maintenance

Traditional backup or local backup provides centralized management but can be expensive and complex to set up and maintain, requiring significant IT resources for maintenance and management.

Difficult to scale

Today, data volume and the number of endpoints are increasing at an unprecedented rate. Another major challenge for organizations relying on traditional backup methods is the lack of scalability. As organizations grow and the number of endpoint devices increases, managing backups for each device becomes cumbersome. Traditional methods do not easily accommodate the diverse range of devices and operating systems used today, creating gaps in data protection.

Data corruption risks

Traditional data backup methods generally rely on manual processes and physical storage devices. Manual handling increases the likelihood of human error, such as improper storage or handling of backup media, leading to data degradation or loss. Additionally, physical storage devices like tapes and hard drives are susceptible to wear and tear, environmental damage and magnetic interference, all of which can corrupt data.

Costly and complex

Storage limitations present another issue. Traditional methods typically rely on on-premises storage solutions, which can be costly to expand and maintain. This not only increases the total cost of ownership but also limits the flexibility needed to handle large volumes of data efficiently.

Growing importance of endpoint backup solutions

Data loss or downtime due to a ransomware attack, employee error or device theft can result in business disruption, decreased employee productivity and compromised information.

Data protection

Endpoint backup solutions protect business-critical data against accidental deletion, business disruption, site disasters, cyberthreats and other data threats. Effective endpoint backup strategies enable organizations to recover important data quickly, maintain business continuity and minimize downtime. This is particularly crucial as data loss can lead to significant financial and reputational damage.

Defend against cybersecurity threats

With the rise of remote and hybrid work environments, endpoints are often located outside the traditional corporate security perimeters, making them susceptible to new security threats. As per a recent study, the frequency of cyberattacks on remote workers increased by a staggering 238% over the last three years. Endpoint backup solutions must, therefore, be part of a comprehensive security strategy to defend against evolving cybersecurity threats. Modern-day endpoint backup solutions include encryption both in transit and at rest, ensuring your organization’s sensitive data is protected from unauthorized access.

Regulatory compliance

Regulatory frameworks, such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), establish stringent requirements for handling personal data, aiming to protect individuals from data breaches and misuse. Adhering to these regulations helps businesses avoid fines and legal repercussions that can arise due to non-compliance.

A robust endpoint backup solution also supports regulatory compliance by ensuring data integrity, security and availability. Endpoint backups ensure data from all devices, such as laptops, desktops and mobile devices, is securely stored and retrievable. This helps comply with regulations that mandate the protection and retention of data.

Enhanced resilience and reliable recovery

Your employees are committed and diligently drive your organization forward, yet they arent infallible to errors. They may not regularly connect to the VPN, misplace a device during travel or connect to unsafe WiFi. Whatever the risks, an automated, directtocloud backup ensures routine protection and enhanced resilience for their important data.

Modern solutions, such as Unitrends Endpoint Backup, automatically back up endpoints every two hours for aggressive RPOs and minimal data loss. To eliminate downtime, you can perform file, folder, image and even bare metal restores on any device with an internet connection.

Experience effortless endpoint protection with Unitrends Endpoint Backup

Unitrends Endpoint Backup is a direct-to-cloud solution designed to protect any Windows workload anywhere, offering unmatched affordability. With Unitrends, you get:

Cross-platform support

Our cutting-edge solution protects your Windows servers, virtual machines, cloud instances, desktops and laptops from data loss.

Flexible recovery options

In the event downtime or data loss occurs, our direct-to-cloud endpoint backup solution enables quick restoration of the entire system or select data so you can get back to business quickly. Restore files, folders and images, or perform bare metal recovery onto original or new hardware.

Complete protection

With Unitrends, you can ensure no workload is left behind. It allows you to seamlessly back up all Windows systems — in primary data centers, at remote or distributed locations, in virtual machines, in any cloud, in the office or with remote employees.

Peace of mind

Unitrends Endpoint Backup gives you complete peace of mind. It ensures comprehensive protection against common everyday data loss scenarios, including accidental deletion, hardware failure, ransomware attacks and lost or stolen devices. Backups are automatically performed every two hours and stored directly in the immutable Unitrends Cloud, ensuring your mission-critical data is protected no matter what.


Unitrends Endpoint Backup offers market-leading affordability with its competitive pricing model. Our solution is thoughtfully designed to fit any budget and ensures robust protection for Windows workloads without the high costs typically associated with traditional backup systems. By leveraging image-based, direct-to-cloud backup technology, it eliminates the need for additional hardware, further reducing expenses.

Say goodbye to costly, complex and manual endpoint backup. Say hello to Unitrends Endpoint Backup and experience simpler, smarter and affordable endpoint protection.

Discover how Unitrends Endpoint Backup simplifies endpoint backup and recovery cost-effectively without compromising on security or functionality. Learn more.


Discover how Unitrends can help protect your organization's sensitive data